Preventive Dentistry

Oral hygiene and education are vital to Dr. Barth’s practice.  She believes regular hygiene visits and appropriate preventive procedures are key to prevent future oral and systemic health issues.


Preventive Dentistry

Oral hygiene and education are vital to Dr. Barth’s practice.  She believes regular hygiene visits and appropriate preventative procedures are key to prevent future oral and systemic health issues.

Esthetic / Cosmetic Dentistry

Several options are available to our patients looking to enhance, change and brighten their smile. Dr. Barth has a reputation for the beautiful work she has done transforming her patients’ smiles. Her goal is to fulfill your complete desire for the beautiful smile you want. She uses talented artistic laboratories renowned for esthetics.

TMJ Syndrome occurs when the natural relationship between the facial muscles, teeth and jaw joints becomes disrupted. The TMJ joints (temporal mandibular jaw) should be quiet, comfortable and in harmony with the muscles and teeth. TMJ syndrome can to be coming from a variety of sources, such as muscles, teeth, jaw joint, ear or a combination. Dr. Barth has received extensive continuing education in this area.

Bite Guard is a custom in-house made orthotic appliance that allows the doctor and the patient to understand what is possible in terms of comfort and stability. Patients who suffer from jaw/muscle related symptoms can benefit greatly from this appliance. (see our testimonial page)

Esthetic / Cosmetic Dentistry

Several options are available to our patients looking to enhance, change and brighten their smile. Dr. Barth has a reputation for the beautiful work she has done transforming her patients smiles. Her goal is to fulfill your complete desire for the beautiful smile you want. She uses extremely talented artistic laboratories that are renowned for esthetics.

TMJ syndrome occurs when the natural relationship between the facial muscles, teeth and jaw joints becomes disrupted. The TMJ joints (temporal mandibular jaw) should be quiet, comfortable and in harmony with the muscles and teeth. TMJ syndrome can to be coming from a variety of areas such as muscles, teeth, jaw joint, ear or a combination. Dr. Barth has taken extensive continuing education in this area.

Bite Guard is a custom in-house made otorthotic hotic appliance that allows the doctor and the patient to understand what is possible in terms of comfort and stability. Patients who suffer from jaw/muscle related symptoms can benefit greatly from this appliance. (see our testimonial page)

See below to view more services provided


Bonding is a conservative inexpensive option to alter the esthetics of your teeth. This procedure uses a tooth colored composite material to replace discolored or chipped teeth or to reshape or lengthen natural teeth.


Whitening is the simplest way to brighten your smile. We offer an at-home whitening system that utilizes a custom-fit soft rubber tray system to carry the bleaching gel to the teeth. Generally, the brightening/whitening effect is noticeable after 2-5 applications, depending on your teeth.


Microabrasion is an esthetic conservative procedure for patients who have white spots or hypomineralized lesions on their teeth. The appearance of these white spots can be significantly reduced through a conservative paste polished on the teeth by our hygienist.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are a conservative replacement of tooth structure that may have been discolored, broken, worn or slightly misaligned. A veneer is a thin porcelain laminate which, when bonded to the front surface of your natural teeth,  strengthens the teeth. They are the most successful restorations in dentistry today, if done when the bite is properly aligned.


Crowns are used to change the appearance of a tooth where the structural integrity of the tooth is critically compromised due to large fillings, cracks or broken teeth where more conservative treatment is not possible.

Implant Crowns/Bridges

Implant Crowns are an excellent option when a patient is missing teeth. They are the greatest contribution to dentistry in the last 15 years and are considered the standard of care. A bridge is an alternative option to replace one or several missing teeth.

Bite Analysis

Central to Dr. Barth’s dental philosophy is the natural relationship between the function and esthetics of teeth. If a patient’s bite is not aligned correctly, cosmetic restorations that simply make teeth look beautiful can be harmful to healthy teeth. Dr. Barth includes a bite analysis as part of your comprehensive exam.


The onlay is the perfect restoration to conserve tooth structure. This ultra-conservative replacement of the decayed tooth structure of old fillings, leaves a substantial portion of the tooth intact. It restores only the diseased or missing part of the tooth. This is the ideal restoration when the tooth is too damaged to support a tooth filling but not damaged enough for a crown. This “custom fitted restoration” can be made in white or gold. Crowning the tooth should only be considered when an onlay is not possible. Dr. Barth will always resort to keeping the integrity of the tooth intact by using this conservative method if it is possible to do so.